Thursday, 11 September 2014

Daughter of Darkness

A summary from the IMDb
The Daughter of Darkness is an atmospheric, sub-hallucinogenic venture into the world of the unknown. The enigma facing the young woman is the identity of her father. Unfortunately for her she becomes drawn into a small Romanian underworld of brooding menace, darkness, torture chambers and bizarrely over make-overed vampires. The moody undertones and well chosen locations are certainly a bonus as is the comically funny finale.  A 1990 Horror starring Mia Sara.

FYI I wrote this just after watching the movie.
Daughter of Darkness I didn't expect this movie to be this good. To be honest I didn't even think I would have enjoyed this movie, When it began I was pleasantly surprised to see Mia Sara I remembered her from one of my most favorite movie of all time Ferris Buellar's day off. To be honest I didn't know what to think at that point I just went along with it and im glad I did I'm always up for a good horror and I didn't know how good of an actress she was. In Ferris Buellars day off she didn't have anything difficult to do she just acted silly & laughed a lot it was quite a simple part to do.  So I was surprised to see her being in the spotlight in this movie where she's the main star & all eyes on her I really got to know her more after this movie & I admit I wished she had made more movies especially horror and comedy I think she would have been a wonderful actress as time went  along and she gained more experience   That being said I found her to be a great actress as is in the movie. I know she would have gotten a lot better as an actress had she made more movies. I know she made a few more movies which in my opinion was kinda blah. I didn't even suspect that this movie was going to be a vampire movie lol mainly because vampires cant have children and it didn't stand out as that type of movie. I thought it was going to be some type of satanic cult movie so I was surprised as time rolled on & it wasn't. Not super surprised but surprised just a bit it should have been  obvious she was in Romania after all. Just a little advice for anyone who travels and vacations don't trust random guys especially when you cant speak their language how did she fall for that hard before his time Gregori IDK especially guys that are outright just as they look horrible skip & move along blahh. Now i'm not saying judge someone solely based on their looks but u get the idea.  I suppose this advice also applies to guys.  This movie is all Mia from beginning to end one is truly able to appreciate & enjoy her beauty as she is the main focus. Now I will give my sincere advice as I always do don't expect to enjoy this movie approach it with an open mind & only then you will enjoy it don't excite yourself then you'll find that it didn't live up to your expectations. Now when you find the time and are in much need of relaxation watch this movie recommended by me and let me know what you think.
  This movie is available for viewing on YouTube.

PROS: Good looking actress
            Nice atmospheric movie
           Not typical in its story telling

CONS; Not scary
             No good looking male actors
             Not scary
             No sex :( lol

1 comment:

  1. Please add me on Facebook or if you have seen the movie let me know what you think of it. :D
