Saturday, 13 December 2014


NO TELL MOTEL  That's the name of the movie that I saw today well its now 1:04am so I guess that would be yesterday.  I came across this movie the way i do most movies online & free lol. But that's not the point. The point is the movie was Fu*king awesome I wondered how i never  heard/came across it before.  Almost at the ending there was a not so sweet/nice twist to the movie some might say that it was predictable all the events unfold at a haunted motel however i thought it was a nice atmospheric horror after watching i did what i I always do when I really enjoyed a movie.  Watch the trailer on YouTube &..... read the comments because its always interesting to hear what people have to say & I was Fu*king shocked lol people had the worst things to say about it & I was glad that i didn't see those opinions before i had a chance to watch it for myself & form my own opinion. NO doubt that the opinions & thoughts of other people can really spoil a great movie because if they say its sh*t then u also begin to view it the same way & see things from their point of view & if they say it was so good oh u have to see it then ur expectations are so high that u end up disappointed cuz in d end it wasn't quite as good as you thought seeing the trailer can also have the same effect it shows u all the good parts excites u to the point of i forgot what i was going to say lol. I think disappointment & u get it by now I went in with no knowledge of the movie what so ever had no expectations i did think to myself I sure hope this is going to be good & if it isn't so what at least its a horrors & Horrors are my kind of movie.  What exactly did I like about the movie hmm a good looking cast two of the girls in the movie I found to be really beautiful & I really took to the lead actress she shone through in her role personality wise & visually. No im not gay but can i just say shes really hot she has a smoking bod and a beautiful face to match loved everything about her & her brunette friend who tragically dies at the beginning. Her hair/highlights her outfit her shape the way she sounded  ect now don't go getting all excited you may not enjoy it as I did.  The guys were not very good looking only the blonde girls boyfriend was kinda ok the brother was looking like a grandpa yeah no good looking guys which blows but whatever i thought it was great & I really enjoyed it for me to write a review right away it definitely had some sort of impact. I couldn't get why people didn't like it then it made sense why i never heard of it lol. Now i know ya all likes a little romance but this movie had no sex ....WHAT yes u heard me right & it wasn't an issue if ur watching a horror ur trying to get ur scare on not ur Fu*k on lmao ok bad jokes aside no sex wasn't an issue although i know it sometimes makes for an interesting movie but despite there being no love scenes that wasn't an issue at all it didnt take away from the movie in any way.

Sadly im still having trouble uploading pics to blogger idk why seems like I tried everything if anyone has ever had a similar situation & knows how to rectify that problem then please let me know any help would be appreciated.

My personal observations:
Getting back to the movie one part that really grossed me out was when blonde girls bf  picked out his pills from a public toilet bowl that had shit stains omg wtf I thought maybe it was some kind of prescription drugs that couldn't be bought without a prescription or was really hard to find because of the location/area they were in but I was wrong he was a stoner who had an addiction problem makes u wonder how far he would be willing to go for those pills what else he might do to get them eeeww & he kisses his gf with that mouth nice real nice NOT.
Then there's a part where they keep trying to drive the point home that everybody has secrets that they keep from each other & BG is like   Scene where another friend of  hers dies -why wouldn't she tell me she never said anything I'll tell u why just moments ago before her brunette friend died she was sharing a secret to gain her trust & BG is like WHY R U TELLING ME THIS??!!! Why the Fk do u think! Any ways it was good full of clichés it wouldn't be a horror without the typical clichés would it lol.  Blonde Girls bf was constantly taking shots of illegal drugs yeah cuz he kept seeing a dead little  girl! Do  people usually see dead people when their high.? I doubt it & looking like that like a little devil & he was ok with it it didn't scare him but I get it its a horror not suppose to make sense blah blah but if u really pay attention to some parts its like ah ummm .......oK yeah but again its not suppose to make sense the entity used everyone's weakness against them & its a horror that alone speaks for itself.

OK OK ok enough talk cuz I can go on & on if u ask me to rate this movie I would give it a solid 7 1/2 out of 10. If you think that's to high then watch it you just might see why.  A link to the movie.

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Sunday 14th December 2014 

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